Mini Militia v5.0.6 Ghost MOD Direct DOWNLOAD LINK : DOWNLOAD Whats New:- Revamp update - Revamped visuals, the game has never looked so good - New crate system to unlock weapons and avatar items - Weapon upgrades allow you to make them stronger than ever before - The weapon spawns have been tweaked in many maps, to make all weapons useful with a more unique feel - Facebook login - New avatar outfits - 3 new maps New with v5 - Play custom games by sharing lobby code - Player spawn and Controls Freeze bugs fixed - Improved management of disconnects and reconnect flow Mod Features:- Unlimited Ammo Unlimited Bomb No Reload Invisible Wall Hack 2x Player Speed Dual Wield Unlimited Health Anti Gravity New BackG Unlimited Boost Magic Bomb & MeLee No Bullet Spread No dual Throw 2 Bullet Per Shot Mini Militia v5.0.6 Ghost Mod _________________________________________________...